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REGCLR7: Use of Ankle Foot Orthotics to improve patient function

Measure ID : REGCLR7

Measure Title : Use of Ankle Foot Orthotics to improve patient function

Measure Description:

This measures the improvement in function of patient who are prescribed foot and ankle braces for plantar fasciitis, Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction, and ankle sprains


All patients aged 18 and older on the date of initial encounter for one of the diagnosis codes associated with this measure.
Are provided a DME Device to address their pain
Report a level of pain of 3 or more on a scale of 1 - 10


Performance Met (GCL71) All patients in the Denominator who report a clinically significant decrease in pain on a scale of 1 - 10 Who demonstrate a clinically significant decrease in pain. This is defined as a decrease of at least 2 points on the 1 - 10 scale. (BMC Med. 2017; 15: 35.
Published online 2017 Feb 20. doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0775-3)

Performance Not Met (GCL72) All patients in the Denominator wo do not report a decrease in pain of at least 2 poonts on the 1 - 10 scale.

Denominator Exclusions:

(GCL73) Patients who were prescribed opioids for pain
(GCL74) Patients who did not return for a second visit after being provided a lower extremity brace.

Denominator Exceptions: None

Numerator Exclusions: None


NQS Domain: Effective Clinical Care

High Priority: Yes

Measure Type: Outcome

Meaningful Measure Area: Functional Outcomes

Meaningful Measure Area Rationale: A Decrease in Pain results in improved Functionality for the Patient

Inverse Measure: No

Proportional Measure: Yes

Continuous Variable Measure: No

Ratio Measure: No

If Continuous Variable and/or Ratio is chosen, what would be the range of the score(s)?: N/A

Number of performance rates to be submitted: 1

Performance Rate Description(s): N/A

Overall Performance Rate: 1st Performance Rate

Care Setting: Ambulatory Care: Clinician Office/Clinic

Includes Telehealth?: Yes

Risk Adjused Status : No